PDF or PDF page reverse refers to reversing the page order of a PDF. At times you may have a PDF document scanned backward and don’t keep the original file for re-scanning, how do you fix it? Or, when you have stored a PDF in date order starting with the oldest, you may now want to start the page with the latest date. Whatever your case is, it’s essential to reverse the PDF page order for convenient reading.
More specifically, PDF reverse will move the first page to the end and make the end page come first. To help you reverse the page order of a PDF quickly and easily, we’ve shared the 4 methods to explain step by step.
Whether you need to reverse the PDF page order or do something else with PDFs, SwifDoo PDF desktop application is always one of the best software to work with. This software is small and feature-rich, enabling you to edit, convert, compress, split, and merge PDF files effortlessly. It allows you to arrange the PDF pages in your desired order.
Follow the steps below to reverse the page order of a PDF in a few clicks.
Step 1: Launch the PDF program and click Open in the first interface that appears to open your PDF file;
Step 2: Navigate to Page on the top menu bar and choose the Reverse Pages tool;
Step 3: Check the All Pages radio button and click OK to reverse the PDF pages. Then save the changes.
To reverse just a few PDF pages’ order, type the page range into the blank boxes under “Specific Pages” and then hit “OK”. You can also select odd pages or even pages to do the reverse from the “Subset” menu.
A straightforward way to reverse the page order of a PDF is to print the PDF in reverse order. SwifDoo PDF offers users the Print tool to achieve that goal. It can also print a PDF with comments or not, print pages to a different size or to grayscales horizontally or vertically. Here is a quick guide for you to reverse the PDF page order.
Step 1: Open your PDF file with the program, go to SwifDoo in the top left corner to choose the Print option;
Step 2: Select the PDF printer you use such as Microsoft Print to PDF, check the Print in Reverse Order checkbox, and click Print;
Step 3: Choose a location for saving the changed PDF and the software reverses the pages automatically.
Sometimes you may fail to print a PDF because it’s protected. When needed, SwifDoo PDF can help print a secured PDF file in reverse order or not with its ability to unlock PDFs.
Discover the best 10 free PDF printers for Windows, Mac, iOS, and online users. Easily print PDF files with these free tools. Explore now!
If you have a PDF that you want to reverse the page order, you can move the pages to your preferred positions manually with the page organizing feature. Manually reordering the PDF pages allows you to visually check the reverse result instantly. This method is particularly useful when you need to reverse the order of only a few pages in a document.
Step 1: Get SwifDoo PDF for free and open your PDF with it, then tap the Page tab on the top;
Step 2: Click and drag a page to the position you want in the page organizing interface, move other pages to reverse the order of pages in the PDF, then save the reversed PDF as a new copy.
When you have changed the PDF page order, you may also need to make other necessary edits to the pages in your PDF. As one of the best PDF organizers on the market, SwifDoo PDF allows you to organize PDFs in many ways. It enables you to rotate, delete, extract, and add pages to a PDF without downloading other apps.
If you reverse the page order in a PDF to meet your viewing habits but not for saving, go to choose the Reverse View option in SwifDoo PDF. This tool only changes the page order while you read the file. When you re-save the PDF, the page order will be the same as the original. Check the following steps to reverse the order of pages in your PDF for better viewing.
Step 1: Open the PDF that you need to reverse in SwifDoo PDF;
Step 2: Click View on the top;
Step 3: Choose Reverse View from the secondary menu bar and then you can view this file from the bottom to the top of the window. (The first page comes to the bottom and the end page appears on the top.)
This post has shown you how to reverse pages in PDFs automatically or manually, for saving or just viewing. With the SwifDoo PDF application, you can adopt any of the mentioned methods to do your work without breaking a sweat. It can not only reverse the PDF page order and re-organize the pages but also edit images in PDFs, merge, split, and compress your files. Download the software for free to explore all its features.
When your PDF created by a scanner and printer is in reverse order, it’s normally because the Reverse feature is enabled and the printer prints the first page last and the last page first. You can go to disable the Reverse feature from the scanner and printer’s settings or place your papers in reverse order to scan and print.
You may have placed a document in the wrong orientation on the scan, resulting in the printed PDF file being upside-down. To correct the orientation, go to “Page” in SwifDoo PDF to choose the “Rotate Left” or “Rotate Right” option.
Charlotte has been in the software industry for 8+ years. She works for AWZWARE now as a passionate writer. She is good at providing simple guides to use various video, office and entertainment software. Charlotte also recommends many other useful tools to make your work and life easier. A food lover too.